Getting started



Before installing delira, you have to choose a suitable backend. delira handles backends as optional dependencies and tries to escape all uses of a not-installed backend.

The currently supported backends are:

  • torch (recommended, since it is the most tested backend): Suffix torch


    delira supports mixed-precision training via apex, but apex must be installed separately

  • None: No Suffix


Depending on the backend, some functionalities may not be available for you. If you want to ensure, you can use each functionality, please use the full option, since it installs all backends


Currently the only other planned backend is TensorFlow (which is coming soon). If you want to add a backend like CNTK, Chainer, MXNET or something similar, please open an issue for that and we will guide you during that process (don’t worry, it is not much effort at all).

From Source

To install delira you can simply run

  • pip install git+[suffix]

by replacing [suffix] with the suffix for your backend, i.e. installing delira with torch backend would become pip install git+[torch] and installing without a backend at all would become pip install git+

Prebuild Packages

Prebuild packages (via pip) will be available in the future, once all dependencies are registered on PyPi. This is a requirement because PyPi forbids packages that depend on non-pypi packages. Currently this requirement is not fullfilled by batchgenerators