Source code for delira.data_loading.load_utils

import numpy as np
import os
import collections
from import imread
from skimage.transform import resize
from delira.utils.decorators import make_deprecated

def norm_range(mode):
    Closure function for range normalization

    mode : str
        '-1,1' normalizes data to range [-1, 1], while '0,1'
        normalizes data to range [0, 1]

        normalization function
    def norm_fn(data):
        Returns the input data normalized to the range

        data : np.ndarray
            data which should be normalized

            normalized data
        norm = data - data.min()
        norm = norm / norm.max()
        if mode == '-1,1':
            norm = norm - 0.5
            norm = norm * 2
        elif mode == '0,1':
            raise ValueError('{mode} not supported.')
        return norm
    return norm_fn

def norm_zero_mean_unit_std(data):
    Return normalized data with mean 0, standard deviation 1

    data : np.nadarray

        normalized data
    return (data - np.mean(data)) / np.std(data)

def _is_valid_image_file(fname, img_extensions, gt_extensions):
    Helper Function to check wheter file is image file and has at least
    one label file
    fname : str
        filename of image path
        is valid data sample
    is_valid_file = False
    for ext in img_extensions:
        if fname.endswith(ext):
            is_valid_file = True

    has_label = not gt_extensions
    for ext in gt_extensions:
        label_file = fname.rsplit(".", maxsplit=1)[0] + ext
        if os.path.isfile(label_file):
            has_label = True

    return is_valid_file and has_label

[docs]@make_deprecated("Will be replaced by LoadSample.") def default_load_fn_2d(img_file, *label_files, img_shape, n_channels=1): """ loading single 2d sample with arbitrary number of samples Parameters ---------- img_file : string path to image file label_files : list of strings paths to label files img_shape : iterable shape of image n_channels : int number of image channels Returns ------- numpy.ndarray image Any: labels """ img = imread(img_file, n_channels == 1) labels = [np.loadtxt(_file).reshape(1).astype(np.float32) for _file in label_files] img = resize(img, img_shape, mode='reflect', anti_aliasing=True) img = np.reshape(img, (*img_shape, n_channels)) img = img.transpose((len(img_shape), *range(len(img_shape)))) img = img.astype(np.float32) # return img, labels result_dict = {"data": img} for idx, label in enumerate(labels): result_dict["label_%d" % idx] = label return result_dict
class LoadSample: def __init__(self, sample_ext: dict, sample_fn:, dtype={}, normalize=(), norm_fn=norm_range('-1,1'), **kwargs): """ Provides a callable to load a single sample from multiple files in a folder Parameters ---------- sample_ext : dict of iterable Defines the data _sample_ext. The dict key defines the position of the sample inside the returned data dict, while the list defines the the files which should be loaded inside the data dict. sample_fn : callable function to load a single sample dtype : dict defines the data type which should be used for the respective key normalize : iterable of hashable list of hashable which should be normalized. Can contain entire keys of extension (normalizes each element individually) or provide the file name which should be normalized norm_fn : callable callable to normalize input. Default: normalize range to [-1, 1] kwargs : variable number of keyword arguments passed to load function Examples -------- Simple loading function which returns a dict with `data` >>> from delira.data_loading.nii import load_nii >>> load_fn = LoadSample({'data:': ['data.nii']}, load_nii) Loading function for data (casted to float32 and normalized) and segmentation (casted to unit8) >>> from delira.data_loading.nii import load_nii >>> load_fn = LoadSample({'data:': ['data.nii'], 'seg': ['seg.nii']}, >>> load_nii, dtype={'data': 'float32', >>> 'seg': 'uint8'}, >>> normalize=('data',)) """ self._sample_ext = sample_ext self._sample_fn = sample_fn self._dtype = dtype self._normalize = normalize self._norm_fn = norm_fn self._kwargs = kwargs def __call__(self, path): """ Load sample from multiple files Parameters ---------- path : str defines patch to folder which contain the _sample_ext Returns ------- dict dict with data defines by _sample_ext """ sample_dict = {} for key, item in self._sample_ext.items(): data_list = [] for f in item: data = self._sample_fn(os.path.join(path, f), **self._kwargs) # _normalize data if necessary if (key in self._normalize) or (f in self._normalize): data = self._norm_fn(data) # cast data to type if key in self._dtype: data = data.astype(self._dtype[key]) # append data data_list.append(data) if len(data_list) == 1: sample_dict[key] = data_list[0][np.newaxis] else: sample_dict[key] = np.stack(data_list) return sample_dict class LoadSampleLabel(LoadSample): def __init__(self, sample_ext: dict, sample_fn:, label_ext:, label_fn:, sample_kwargs={}, **kwargs): """ Load sample and label from folder Parameters ---------- sample_ext : dict of list Defines the data _sample_ext. The dict key defines the position of the sample inside the returned data dict, while the list defines the the files which should be loaded inside the data dict. Passed to LoadSample. sample_fn : callable function to load a single sample Passed to LoadSample. label_ext : str extension for label label_fn: function functions which returns the label inside a dict args : variable number of positional arguments passed to LoadSample sample_kwargs : additional keyword arguments passed to LoadSample kwargs : variable number of keyword arguments passed to _label_fn See Also -------- :class: `LoadSample` """ super().__init__(sample_ext, sample_fn, **sample_kwargs) self._label_ext = label_ext self._label_fn = label_fn self._label_kwargs = kwargs def __call__(self, path): """ Loads a sample and a label Parameters ---------- path : str Returns ------- dict dict with data and label """ sample_dict = super(LoadSampleLabel, self).__call__(path) label_dict = self._label_fn(os.path.join(path, self._label_ext), **self._label_kwargs) sample_dict.update(label_dict) return sample_dict