from random import shuffle
from collections import OrderedDict
from .abstract_sampler import AbstractSampler
from ..dataset import AbstractDataset
[docs]class SequentialSampler(AbstractSampler):
Implements Sequential Sampling from whole Dataset
def __init__(self, indices):
indices : list
list of classes each sample belongs to. List index corresponds to
data index and the value at a certain index indicates the
corresponding class
self._indices = list(range(len(indices)))
self._global_index = 0
[docs] def _get_indices(self, n_indices):
Actual Sampling
n_indices : int
number of indices to return
StopIteration : If end of dataset reached
list of sampled indices
if self._global_index >= len(self._indices):
self._global_index = 0
raise StopIteration
new_global_idx = self._global_index + n_indices
# If we reach end, make batch smaller
if new_global_idx >= len(self._indices):
new_global_idx = len(self._indices)
idxs = list(range(self._global_index, new_global_idx))
self._global_index = new_global_idx
return idxs
def __len__(self):
return len(self._indices)
[docs]class PrevalenceSequentialSampler(AbstractSampler):
Implements Per-Class Sequential sampling and ensures same
number of samples per batch for each class; If out of samples for one
class: restart at first sample
def __init__(self, indices, shuffle_batch=True):
indices : list
list of classes each sample belongs to. List index corresponds to
data index and the value at a certain index indicates the
corresponding class
shuffle_batch : bool
if False: indices per class will be returned in a sequential way
(first: indices belonging to class 1, second: indices belonging
to class 2 etc.)
if True: indices will be sampled in a sequential way per class and
sampled indices will be shuffled
_indices = {}
_global_idxs = {}
for idx, class_idx in enumerate(indices):
class_idx = int(class_idx)
if class_idx in _indices.keys():
_indices[class_idx] = [idx]
_global_idxs[class_idx] = 0
# sort classes after descending number of elements
ordered_dict = OrderedDict()
length = 0
for k in sorted(_indices, key=lambda k: len(_indices[k]),
ordered_dict[k] = _indices[k]
length += len(_indices[k])
self._length = length
self._indices = ordered_dict
self._n_classes = len(_indices.keys())
self._global_idxs = _global_idxs
self._global_total_idx = 0
self._shuffle = shuffle_batch
[docs] @classmethod
def from_dataset(cls, dataset: AbstractDataset, **kwargs):
indices = range(len(dataset))
labels = [dataset[idx]['label'] for idx in indices]
return cls(labels, **kwargs)
[docs] def _get_indices(self, n_indices):
Actual Sampling
n_indices : int
number of indices to return
StopIteration : If end of class indices is reached
list of sampled indices
samples_per_class = int(n_indices / self._n_classes)
if self._global_total_idx >= len(self._indices):
self._global_total_idx = 0
raise StopIteration
_samples = []
for key, idx_list in self._indices.items():
if self._global_idxs[key] >= len(idx_list):
self._global_idxs[key] = 0
new_global_idx = self._global_idxs[key] + samples_per_class
if new_global_idx >= len(idx_list):
new_global_idx = len(idx_list)
_samples += list(range(self._global_idxs[key], new_global_idx))
self._global_idxs[key] = new_global_idx
for key, idx_list in self._indices.items():
if len(_samples) >= n_indices:
if self._global_idxs[key] >= len(idx_list):
self._global_idxs[key] = 0
new_global_idx = self._global_idxs[key] + 1
_samples += list(range(self._global_idxs[key], new_global_idx))
self._global_idxs[key] = new_global_idx
self._global_total_idx += n_indices
if self._shuffle:
return _samples
def __len__(self):
return self._length
[docs]class StoppingPrevalenceSequentialSampler(AbstractSampler):
Implements Per-Class Sequential sampling and ensures same
number of samples per batch for each class; Stops if all samples of
first class have been sampled
def __init__(self, indices, shuffle_batch=True):
indices : list
list of classes each sample belongs to. List index corresponds to
data index and the value at a certain index indicates the
corresponding class
shuffle_batch : bool
if False: indices per class will be returned in a sequential way
(first: indices belonging to class 1, second: indices belonging
to class 2 etc.)
if True: indices will be sampled in a sequential way per class and
sampled indices will be shuffled
_indices = {}
_global_idxs = {}
for idx, class_idx in enumerate(indices):
class_idx = int(class_idx)
if class_idx in _indices.keys():
_indices[class_idx] = [idx]
_global_idxs[class_idx] = 0
# sort classes after descending number of elements
ordered_dict = OrderedDict()
length = float('inf')
for k in sorted(_indices, key=lambda k: len(_indices[k]),
ordered_dict[k] = _indices[k]
length = min(length, len(_indices[k]))
self._length = length
self._indices = ordered_dict
self._n_classes = len(_indices.keys())
self._global_idxs = _global_idxs
self._shuffle = shuffle_batch
[docs] @classmethod
def from_dataset(cls, dataset: AbstractDataset):
indices = range(len(dataset))
labels = [dataset[idx]['label'] for idx in indices]
return cls(labels)
[docs] def _get_indices(self, n_indices):
Actual Sampling
n_indices : int
number of indices to return
StopIteration : If end of class indices is reached for one class
list of sampled indices
samples_per_class = int(n_indices/self._n_classes)
_samples = []
for key, idx_list in self._indices.items():
if self._global_idxs[key] >= len(idx_list):
self._global_idxs[key] = 0
raise StopIteration
new_global_idx = self._global_idxs[key] + samples_per_class
if new_global_idx >= len(idx_list):
new_global_idx = len(idx_list)
_samples += list(range(self._global_idxs[key], new_global_idx))
self._global_idxs[key] = new_global_idx
for key, idx_list in self._indices.items():
if len(_samples) >= n_indices:
if self._global_idxs[key] >= len(idx_list):
self._global_idxs[key] = 0
new_global_idx = self._global_idxs[key] + 1
_samples += list(range(self._global_idxs[key], new_global_idx))
self._global_idxs[key] = new_global_idx
if self._shuffle:
return _samples
def __len__(self):
return self._length