Generative Adversarial Nets with Delira - A very short introduction

Author: Justus Schock

Date: 04.12.2018

This Example shows how to set up a basic GAN PyTorch experiment and Visdom Logging Environment.


Let’s first setup the essential hyperparameters. We will use delira’s Parameters-class for this:

import torch
from import Parameters
params = Parameters(fixed_params={
    "model": {
        "n_channels": 1,
        "noise_length": 10
    "training": {
        "batch_size": 64, # batchsize to use
        "num_epochs": 10, # number of epochs to train
        "optimizer_cls": torch.optim.Adam, # optimization algorithm to use
        "optimizer_params": {'lr': 1e-3}, # initialization parameters for this algorithm
        "criterions": {"L1": torch.nn.L1Loss()}, # the loss function
        "lr_sched_cls": None,  # the learning rate scheduling algorithm to use
        "lr_sched_params": {}, # the corresponding initialization parameters
        "metrics": {} # and some evaluation metrics

Since we specified torch.nn.L1Loss as criterion and torch.nn.MSELoss as metric, they will be both calculated for each batch, but only the criterion will be used for backpropagation. Since we have a simple generative task, this should be sufficient. We will train our network with a batchsize of 64 by using Adam as optimizer of choice.

Logging and Visualization

To get a visualization of our results, we should monitor them somehow. For logging we will use Visdom. To start a visdom server you need to execute the following command inside an environment which has visdom installed:

visdom -port=9999

This will start a visdom server on port 9999 of your machine and now we can start to configure our logging environment. To view your results you can open http://localhost:9999 in your browser.

from trixi.logger import PytorchVisdomLogger
from delira.logging import TrixiHandler
import logging

logger_kwargs = {
    'name': 'GANExampleLogger', # name of our logging environment
    'port': 9999 # port on which our visdom server is alive

logger_cls = PytorchVisdomLogger

# configure logging module (and root logger)
                    handlers=[TrixiHandler(logger_cls, **logger_kwargs)])

# derive logger from root logger
# (don't do `logger = logging.Logger("...")` since this will create a new
# logger which is unrelated to the root logger
logger = logging.getLogger("Test Logger")

Since a single visdom server can run multiple environments, we need to specify a (unique) name for our environment and need to tell the logger, on which port it can find the visdom server.

Data Preparation


Next we will create a small train and validation set (based on torchvision MNIST):

from delira.data_loading import TorchvisionClassificationDataset

dataset_train = TorchvisionClassificationDataset("mnist", # which dataset to use
                                                 train=True, # use trainset
                                                 img_shape=(224, 224) # resample to 224 x 224 pixels
dataset_val = TorchvisionClassificationDataset("mnist",
                                               img_shape=(224, 224)


For Data-Augmentation we will apply a few transformations:

from batchgenerators.transforms import RandomCropTransform, \
                                        ContrastAugmentationTransform, Compose
from batchgenerators.transforms.spatial_transforms import ResizeTransform
from batchgenerators.transforms.sample_normalization_transforms import MeanStdNormalizationTransform

transforms = Compose([
    RandomCropTransform((200, 200)), # Perform Random Crops of Size 200 x 200 pixels
    ResizeTransform((224, 224)), # Resample these crops back to 224 x 224 pixels
    ContrastAugmentationTransform(), # randomly adjust contrast
    MeanStdNormalizationTransform(mean=[0.5], std=[0.5])])

With these transformations we can now wrap our datasets into datamanagers:

from delira.data_loading import BaseDataManager, SequentialSampler, RandomSampler

manager_train = BaseDataManager(dataset_train, params.nested_get("batch_size"),

manager_val = BaseDataManager(dataset_val, params.nested_get("batch_size"),


After we have done that, we can finally specify our experiment and run it. We will therfore use the already implemented GenerativeAdversarialNetworkBasePyTorch which is basically a vanilla DCGAN:

import warnings
warnings.simplefilter("ignore", UserWarning) # ignore UserWarnings raised by dependency code
warnings.simplefilter("ignore", FutureWarning) # ignore FutureWarnings raised by dependency code

from import PyTorchExperiment
from import create_optims_gan_default_pytorch
from delira.models.gan import GenerativeAdversarialNetworkBasePyTorch"Init Experiment")
experiment = PyTorchExperiment(params, GenerativeAdversarialNetworkBasePyTorch,

model =, manager_val)

Congratulations, you have now trained your first Generative Adversarial Model using delira.