Source code for delira.data_loading.data_manager

import logging

import inspect
from batchgenerators.dataloading import MultiThreadedAugmenter, \
    SingleThreadedAugmenter, SlimDataLoaderBase
from batchgenerators.transforms import AbstractTransform

from delira.data_loading.data_loader import BaseDataLoader
from delira.data_loading.dataset import AbstractDataset, BaseCacheDataset, \
from delira.data_loading.load_utils import default_load_fn_2d
from delira.data_loading.sampler import SequentialSampler, AbstractSampler
from delira.utils.decorators import make_deprecated
from delira import get_current_debug_mode
from multiprocessing import Queue
from queue import Full

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Augmenter(object): """ Class wrapping ``MultiThreadedAugmentor`` and ``SingleThreadedAugmenter`` to provide a uniform API and to disable multiprocessing/multithreading inside the dataloading pipeline """ def __init__(self, data_loader: BaseDataLoader, transforms, n_process_augmentation, sampler, sampler_queues: list, num_cached_per_queue=2, seeds=None, **kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- data_loader : :class:`BaseDataLoader` the dataloader providing the actual data transforms : Callable or None the transforms to use. Can be single callable or None n_process_augmentation : int the number of processes to use for augmentation (only necessary if not in debug mode) sampler : :class:`AbstractSampler` the sampler to use; must be used here instead of inside the dataloader to avoid duplications and oversampling due to multiprocessing sampler_queues : list of :class:`multiprocessing.Queue` queues to pass the sample indices to the actual dataloader num_cached_per_queue : int the number of samples to cache per queue (only necessary if not in debug mode) seeds : int or list the seeds for each process (only necessary if not in debug mode) **kwargs : additional keyword arguments """ self._batchsize = data_loader.batch_size # don't use multiprocessing in debug mode if get_current_debug_mode(): augmenter = SingleThreadedAugmenter(data_loader, transforms) else: assert isinstance(n_process_augmentation, int) # no seeds are given -> use default seed of 1 if seeds is None: seeds = 1 # only an int is gien as seed -> replicate it for each process if isinstance(seeds, int): seeds = [seeds] * n_process_augmentation # avoid same seeds for all processes if any([seeds[0] == _seed for _seed in seeds[1:]]): for idx in range(len(seeds)): seeds[idx] = seeds[idx] + idx augmenter = MultiThreadedAugmenter( data_loader, transforms, num_processes=n_process_augmentation, num_cached_per_queue=num_cached_per_queue, seeds=seeds, **kwargs) self._augmenter = augmenter self._sampler = sampler self._sampler_queues = sampler_queues self._queue_id = 0 def __iter__(self): """ Function returning an iterator Returns ------- Augmenter self """ return self
[docs] def _next_queue(self): idx = self._queue_id self._queue_id = (self._queue_id + 1) % len(self._sampler_queues) return self._sampler_queues[idx]
def __next__(self): """ Function to sample and load the next batch Returns ------- dict the next batch """ idxs = self._sampler(self._batchsize) queue = self._next_queue() # dont't wait forever. Release this after short timeout and try again # to avoid deadlock while True: try: queue.put(idxs, timeout=0.2) break except Full: continue return next(self._augmenter)
[docs] def next(self): """ Function to sample and load Returns ------- dict the next batch """ return next(self)
@staticmethod def __identity_fn(*args, **kwargs): """ Helper function accepting arbitrary args and kwargs and returning without doing anything Parameters ---------- *args keyword arguments **kwargs positional arguments """ return
[docs] def _fn_checker(self, function_name): """ Checks if the internal augmenter has a given attribute and returns it. Otherwise it returns ``__identity_fn`` Parameters ---------- function_name : str the function name to check for Returns ------- Callable either the function corresponding to the given function name or ``__identity_fn`` """ # same as: # if hasattr(self._augmenter, function_name): # return getattr(self._augmenter, functionname) # else: # return self.__identity_fn # but one less getattr call, because hasattr also calls getattr and # handles AttributeError try: return getattr(self._augmenter, function_name) except AttributeError: return self.__identity_fn
@property def _start(self): """ Property to provide uniform API of ``_start`` Returns ------- Callable either the augmenter's ``_start`` method (if available) or ``__identity_fn`` (if not available) """ return self._fn_checker("_start")
[docs] def restart(self): """ Property to provide uniform API of ``restart`` Returns ------- Callable either the augmenter's ``restart`` method (if available) or ``__identity_fn`` (if not available) """ return self._fn_checker("restart")
[docs] def _finish(self): """ Property to provide uniform API of ``_finish`` Returns ------- Callable either the augmenter's ``_finish`` method (if available) or ``__identity_fn`` (if not available) """ ret_val = self._fn_checker("_finish")() for queue in self._sampler_queues: queue.close() queue.join_thread() return ret_val
@property def num_batches(self): """ Property returning the number of batches Returns ------- int number of batches """ if isinstance(self._augmenter, MultiThreadedAugmenter): return self._augmenter.generator.num_batches return self._augmenter.data_loader.num_batches @property def num_processes(self): """ Property returning the number of processes to use for loading and augmentation Returns ------- int number of processes to use for loading and augmentation """ if isinstance(self._augmenter, MultiThreadedAugmenter): return self._augmenter.num_processes return 1 def __del__(self): """ Function defining what to do, if object should be deleted """ self._finish() del self._augmenter
[docs]class BaseDataManager(object): """ Class to Handle Data Creates Dataset , Dataloader and BatchGenerator """ def __init__(self, data, batch_size, n_process_augmentation, transforms, sampler_cls=SequentialSampler, sampler_kwargs=None, data_loader_cls=None, dataset_cls=None, load_fn=default_load_fn_2d, from_disc=True, **kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- data : str or Dataset if str: Path to data samples if dataset: Dataset batch_size : int Number of samples per batch n_process_augmentation : int Number of processes for augmentations transforms : Data transformations for augmentation sampler_cls : AbstractSampler class defining the sampling strategy sampler_kwargs : dict keyword arguments for sampling data_loader_cls : subclass of SlimDataLoaderBase DataLoader class dataset_cls : subclass of AbstractDataset Dataset class load_fn : function function to load simple sample from_disc : bool whether or not to load data from disc just the time it is needed **kwargs : other keyword arguments (needed for dataloading and passed to dataset_cls) Raises ------ AssertionError * `data_loader_cls` is not :obj:`None` and not a subclass of `SlimDataLoaderBase` * `dataset_cls` is not :obj:`None` and not a subclass of :class:`.AbstractDataset` See Also -------- :class:`AbstractDataset` """ # Instantiate Hidden variables for property access if sampler_kwargs is None: sampler_kwargs = {} self._batch_size = None self._n_process_augmentation = None self._transforms = None self._data_loader_cls = None self._dataset = None self._sampler = None # set actual values to properties self.batch_size = batch_size self.n_process_augmentation = n_process_augmentation self.transforms = transforms if data_loader_cls is None:"No DataLoader Class specified. Using BaseDataLoader") data_loader_cls = BaseDataLoader else: assert inspect.isclass(data_loader_cls), \ "data_loader_cls must be class not instance of class" assert issubclass(data_loader_cls, SlimDataLoaderBase), \ "dater_loader_cls must be subclass of SlimDataLoaderBase" self.data_loader_cls = data_loader_cls if isinstance(data, AbstractDataset): self.dataset = data else: if dataset_cls is None: if from_disc: dataset_cls = BaseLazyDataset else: dataset_cls = BaseCacheDataset"No DataSet Class specified. Using %s instead" % dataset_cls.__name__) else: assert issubclass(dataset_cls, AbstractDataset), \ "dataset_cls must be subclass of AbstractDataset" self.dataset = dataset_cls(data, load_fn, **kwargs) assert inspect.isclass(sampler_cls) and issubclass(sampler_cls, AbstractSampler) self.sampler = sampler_cls.from_dataset(self.dataset, **sampler_kwargs)
[docs] def get_batchgen(self, seed=1): """ Create DataLoader and Batchgenerator Parameters ---------- seed : int seed for Random Number Generator Returns ------- Augmenter Batchgenerator Raises ------ AssertionError :attr:`BaseDataManager.n_batches` is smaller than or equal to zero """ assert self.n_batches > 0 sampler_queues = [] for idx in range(self.n_process_augmentation): sampler_queues.append(Queue()) data_loader = self.data_loader_cls( self.dataset, batch_size=self.batch_size, num_batches=self.n_batches, seed=seed, sampler_queues=sampler_queues ) return Augmenter(data_loader, self.transforms, self.n_process_augmentation, sampler=self.sampler, sampler_queues=sampler_queues, num_cached_per_queue=2, seeds=self.n_process_augmentation * [seed])
[docs] def get_subset(self, indices): """ Returns a Subset of the current datamanager based on given indices Parameters ---------- indices : iterable valid indices to extract subset from current dataset Returns ------- :class:`BaseDataManager` manager containing the subset """ subset_kwargs = { "batch_size": self.batch_size, "n_process_augmentation": self.n_process_augmentation, "transforms": self.transforms, "sampler_cls": self.sampler.__class__, "data_loader_cls": self.data_loader_cls, "dataset_cls": None, "load_fn": None, "from_disc": True } return self.__class__( self.dataset.get_subset(indices), **subset_kwargs)
[docs] def update_state_from_dict(self, new_state: dict): """ Updates internal state and therfore the behavior from dict. If a key is not specified, the old attribute value will be used Parameters ---------- new_state : dict The dict to update the state from. Valid keys are: * ``batch_size`` * ``n_process_augmentation`` * ``data_loader_cls`` * ``sampler`` * ``sampling_kwargs`` * ``transforms`` If a key is not specified, the old value of the corresponding attribute will be used Raises ------ KeyError Invalid keys are specified """ # update batch_size if specified self.batch_size = new_state.pop("batch_size", self.batch_size) # update n_process_augmentation if specified self.n_process_augmentation = new_state.pop( "n_process_augmentation", self.n_process_augmentation) # update data_loader_cls if specified self.data_loader_cls = new_state.pop("data_loader_cls", self.data_loader_cls) # update new_sampler = new_state.pop("sampler", None) if new_sampler is not None: self.sampler = new_sampler.from_dataset( self.dataset, **new_state.pop("sampling_kwargs", {})) self.transforms = new_state.pop("transforms", self.transforms) if new_state: raise KeyError("Invalid Keys in new_state given: %s" % (','.join(map(str, new_state.keys()))))
[docs] @make_deprecated("BaseDataManager.get_subset") def train_test_split(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Calls :method:`AbstractDataset.train_test_split` and returns a manager for each subset with same configuration as current manager .. deprecation:: 0.3 method will be removed in next major release Parameters ---------- *args : positional arguments for ``sklearn.model_selection.train_test_split`` **kwargs : keyword arguments for ``sklearn.model_selection.train_test_split`` """ trainset, valset = self.dataset.train_test_split(*args, **kwargs) subset_kwargs = { "batch_size": self.batch_size, "n_process_augmentation": self.n_process_augmentation, "transforms": self.transforms, "sampler_cls": self.sampler.__class__, "data_loader_cls": self.data_loader_cls, "dataset_cls": None, "load_fn": None, "from_disc": True } train_mgr = self.__class__(trainset, **subset_kwargs) val_mgr = self.__class__(valset, **subset_kwargs) return train_mgr, val_mgr
@property def batch_size(self): """ Property to access the batchsize Returns ------- int the batchsize """ return self._batch_size @batch_size.setter def batch_size(self, new_batch_size): """ Setter for current batchsize, casts to int before setting the attribute Parameters ---------- new_batch_size : int, Any the new batchsize; should be int but can be of any type that can be casted to an int """ self._batch_size = int(new_batch_size) @property def n_process_augmentation(self): """ Property to access the number of augmentation processes Returns ------- int number of augmentation processes """ if get_current_debug_mode(): return 1 return self._n_process_augmentation @n_process_augmentation.setter def n_process_augmentation(self, new_process_number): """ Setter for number of augmentation processes, casts to int before setting the attribute Parameters ---------- new_process_number : int, Any new number of augmentation processes; should be int but can be of any type that can be casted to an int """ self._n_process_augmentation = int(new_process_number) @property def transforms(self): """ Property to access the current data transforms Returns ------- None, ``AbstractTransform`` The transformation, can either be None or an instance of ``AbstractTransform`` """ return self._transforms @transforms.setter def transforms(self, new_transforms): """ Setter for data transforms, assert if transforms are of valid type (either None or instance of ``AbstractTransform``) Parameters ---------- new_transforms : None, ``AbstractTransform`` the new transforms """ assert new_transforms is None or isinstance(new_transforms, AbstractTransform) self._transforms = new_transforms @property def data_loader_cls(self): """ Property to access the current data loader class Returns ------- type Subclass of ``SlimDataLoaderBase`` """ return self._data_loader_cls @data_loader_cls.setter def data_loader_cls(self, new_loader_cls): """ Setter for current data loader class, asserts if class is of valid type (must be a class and a subclass of ``SlimDataLoaderBase``) Parameters ---------- new_loader_cls : type the new data loader class """ assert inspect.isclass(new_loader_cls) and issubclass( new_loader_cls, SlimDataLoaderBase) self._data_loader_cls = new_loader_cls @property def dataset(self): """ Property to access the current dataset Returns ------- :class:`AbstractDataset` the current dataset """ return self._dataset @dataset.setter def dataset(self, new_dataset): """ Setter for new dataset Parameters ---------- new_dataset : :class:`AbstractDataset` """ assert isinstance(new_dataset, AbstractDataset) self._dataset = new_dataset @property def sampler(self): """ Property to access the current sampler Returns ------- :class:`AbstractSampler` the current sampler """ return self._sampler @sampler.setter def sampler(self, new_sampler): """ Setter for current sampler. If a valid class instance is passed, the sampler is simply assigned, if a valid class type is passed, the sampler is created from the dataset Parameters ---------- new_sampler : :class:`AbstractSampler`, type instance or class object of new sampler Raises ------ ValueError Neither a valid class instance nor a valid class type is given """ if inspect.isclass(new_sampler) and issubclass(new_sampler, AbstractSampler): self._sampler = new_sampler.from_dataset(self.dataset) elif isinstance(new_sampler, AbstractSampler): self._sampler = new_sampler else: raise ValueError("Given Sampler is neither a subclass of \ AbstractSampler, nor an instance of a sampler ") @property def n_samples(self): """ Number of Samples Returns ------- int Number of Samples """ return len(self.sampler) @property def n_batches(self): """ Returns Number of Batches based on batchsize and number of samples Returns ------- int Number of Batches Raises ------ AssertionError :attr:`BaseDataManager.n_samples` is smaller than or equal to zero """ assert self.n_samples > 0 n_batches = self.n_samples // self.batch_size truncated_batch = self.n_samples % self.batch_size n_batches += int(bool(truncated_batch)) return n_batches