Source code for

import logging
import os
import pickle
import typing

import numpy as np
from tqdm import tqdm

from delira.logging import TrixiHandler
from .callbacks import AbstractCallback
from .predictor import Predictor
from ..data_loading.data_manager import Augmenter
from ..models import AbstractNetwork

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class BaseNetworkTrainer(Predictor): """ Defines a Base API and basic functions for Network Trainers See Also -------- :class:`PyTorchNetworkTrainer` :class:`TfNetworkTrainer` """ __KEYS_TO_GUARD = ["use_gpu", "input_device", "output_device", "_callbacks"] def __init__(self, network: AbstractNetwork, save_path: str, losses: dict, optimizer_cls: type, optimizer_params: dict, train_metrics: dict, val_metrics: dict, lr_scheduler_cls: type, lr_scheduler_params: dict, gpu_ids: typing.List[int], save_freq: int, optim_fn, key_mapping: dict, logging_type: str, logging_kwargs: dict, fold: int, callbacks: typing.List[AbstractCallback], start_epoch=1, metric_keys=None, convert_batch_to_npy_fn=lambda x: x, val_freq=1, **kwargs ): """ Parameters ---------- network : :class:`AbstractTfNetwork` the network to train save_path : str path to save networks to losses : dict dictionary containing the training losses optimizer_cls : subclass of tf.train.Optimizer optimizer class implementing the optimization algorithm of choice optimizer_params : dict keyword arguments passed to optimizer during construction train_metrics : dict, optional metrics, which will be evaluated during train phase (should work on numpy arrays) val_metrics : dict, optional metrics, which will be evaluated during test phase (should work on numpy arrays) lr_scheduler_cls : Any learning rate schedule class: must implement step() method lr_scheduler_params : dict keyword arguments passed to lr scheduler during construction gpu_ids : list list containing ids of GPUs to use; if empty: use cpu instead save_freq : int integer specifying how often to save the current model's state. State is saved every state_freq epochs optim_fn : function creates a dictionary containing all necessary optimizers key_mapping : dict a dictionary containing the mapping from the ``data_dict`` to the actual model's inputs. E.g. if a model accepts one input named 'x' and the data_dict contains one entry named 'data' this argument would have to be ``{'x': 'data'}`` logging_type : str or callable the type of logging. If string: it must be one of ["visdom", "tensorboardx"] If callable: it must be a logging handler class logging_kwargs : dict dictionary containing all logging keyword arguments fold : int current cross validation fold (0 per default) callbacks : list initial callbacks to register start_epoch : int epoch to start training at metric_keys : dict the batch_dict keys to use for each metric to calculate. Should contain a value for each key in ``metrics``. If no values are given for a key, per default ``pred`` and ``label`` will be used for metric calculation convert_batch_to_npy_fn : type, optional function converting a batch-tensor to numpy, per default this is the identity function val_freq : int validation frequency specifying how often to validate the trained model (a value of 1 denotes validating every epoch, a value of 2 denotes validating every second epoch etc.); defaults to 1 **kwargs : Additional keyword arguments """ # explicity not call self._setup here to reuse the __init__ of # abstract class. self._setup has to be called in subclass # check argument types assert isinstance(network, AbstractNetwork) assert isinstance(save_path, str) assert isinstance(losses, dict) assert isinstance(optimizer_params, dict) assert isinstance(train_metrics, dict) assert isinstance(val_metrics, dict) assert isinstance(lr_scheduler_params, dict) assert isinstance(gpu_ids, list) if os.path.isdir(save_path): logger.warning( "Save Path already exists. Saved Models may be overwritten") else: os.makedirs(save_path) self._callbacks = [] self._fold = fold self.start_epoch = start_epoch self.save_path = save_path self.losses = losses self.train_metrics = train_metrics self.val_metrics = val_metrics self.stop_training = False self.save_freq = save_freq self.metric_keys = metric_keys for cbck in callbacks: self.register_callback(cbck) self._reinitialize_logging(logging_type, logging_kwargs) self._tqdm_desc = "Validate" self.val_freq = val_freq
[docs] def _setup(self, network, lr_scheduler_cls, lr_scheduler_params, gpu_ids, key_mapping, convert_batch_to_npy_fn, prepare_batch_fn): super()._setup(network, key_mapping, convert_batch_to_npy_fn, prepare_batch_fn) self.closure_fn = network.closure # optimizers must exist before calling _setup() if lr_scheduler_cls is not None: for key, optim in self.optimizers.items(): if not issubclass(lr_scheduler_cls, AbstractCallback): logger.warning("lr_scheduler_cls is not a callback.") self.register_callback(lr_scheduler_cls(optim, **lr_scheduler_params)) if gpu_ids: self.use_gpu = True else: self.use_gpu = False
[docs] def _at_training_begin(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Defines the behaviour at beginnig of the training Parameters ---------- *args : positional arguments **kwargs : keyword arguments Raises ------ NotImplementedError If not overwritten by subclass """ self.save_state(os.path.join(self.save_path, "checkpoint_epoch_0"))
[docs] def _at_training_end(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Defines the behaviour at the end of the training Parameters ---------- *args : positional arguments **kwargs : keyword arguments Raises ------ NotImplementedError If not overwritten by subclass """ return self.module
[docs] def _at_epoch_begin(self, metrics_val, val_score_key, epoch, num_epochs, **kwargs): """ Defines behaviour at beginning of each epoch: Executes all callbacks's `at_epoch_begin` method Parameters ---------- metrics_val : dict validation metrics val_score_key : str validation score key epoch : int current epoch num_epochs : int total number of epochs **kwargs : keyword arguments """ # execute all callbacks for cb in self._callbacks: self._update_state(cb.at_epoch_begin(self, val_metrics=metrics_val, val_score_key=val_score_key, curr_epoch=epoch))
[docs] def _at_epoch_end(self, metrics_val, val_score_key, epoch, is_best, **kwargs): """ Defines behaviour at beginning of each epoch: Executes all callbacks's `at_epoch_end` method and saves current state if necessary Parameters ---------- metrics_val : dict validation metrics val_score_key : str validation score key epoch : int current epoch num_epochs : int total number of epochs **kwargs : keyword arguments """ for cb in self._callbacks: self._update_state(cb.at_epoch_end(self, val_metrics=metrics_val, val_score_key=val_score_key, curr_epoch=epoch)) if epoch % self.save_freq == 0: self.save_state(os.path.join(self.save_path, "checkpoint_epoch_%d" % epoch)) if is_best: self.save_state(os.path.join(self.save_path, "checkpoint_best"))
[docs] def _train_single_epoch(self, batchgen: Augmenter, epoch, verbose=False): """ Trains the network a single epoch Parameters ---------- batchgen : :class:`Augmenter` Generator yielding the training batches epoch : int current epoch """ metrics, losses = [], [] n_batches = batchgen.num_batches if verbose: iterable = tqdm( enumerate(batchgen), unit=' batch', total=n_batches, desc='Epoch %d' % epoch) else: iterable = enumerate(batchgen) for batch_nr, batch in iterable: data_dict = self._prepare_batch(batch) _metrics, _losses, _ = self.closure_fn(self.module, data_dict, optimizers=self.optimizers, losses=self.losses, metrics=self.train_metrics, fold=self.fold, batch_nr=batch_nr) metrics.append(_metrics) losses.append(_losses) batchgen._finish() total_losses, total_metrics = {}, {} for _metrics in metrics: for key, val in _metrics.items(): if key in total_metrics: total_metrics[key].append(val) else: total_metrics[key] = [val] for _losses in losses: for key, val in _losses.items(): if key in total_losses: total_losses[key].append(val) else: total_losses[key] = [val] return total_metrics, total_losses
[docs] def train(self, num_epochs, datamgr_train, datamgr_valid=None, val_score_key=None, val_score_mode='highest', reduce_mode='mean', verbose=True): """ Defines a routine to train a specified number of epochs Parameters ---------- num_epochs : int number of epochs to train datamgr_train : DataManager the datamanager holding the train data datamgr_valid : DataManager the datamanager holding the validation data (default: None) val_score_key : str the key specifying which metric to use for validation (default: None) val_score_mode : str key specifying what kind of validation score is best reduce_mode : str 'mean','sum','first_only' verbose : bool whether to show progress bars or not Raises ------ NotImplementedError If not overwritten by subclass """ self._at_training_begin() if val_score_mode == 'highest': best_val_score = 0 elif val_score_mode == 'lowest': best_val_score = float('inf') else: best_val_score = None is_best = False new_val_score = best_val_score if reduce_mode == 'mean': def reduce_fn(batch): return np.mean(batch) elif reduce_mode == 'sum': def reduce_fn(batch): return np.sum(batch) elif reduce_mode == 'first_only': def reduce_fn(batch): return batch[0] elif reduce_mode == 'last_only': def reduce_fn(batch): return batch[-1] else: raise ValueError("No valid reduce mode given") metrics_val = {} val_metric_fns = {} for k, v in self.val_metrics.items(): if not k.startswith("val_"): k = "val_" + k val_metric_fns[k] = v if self.metric_keys is None: val_metric_keys = None else: val_metric_keys = {} for k, v in self.metric_keys.items(): if not k.startswith("val_"): k = "val_" + k val_metric_keys[k] = v for epoch in range(self.start_epoch, num_epochs + 1): self._at_epoch_begin(metrics_val, val_score_key, epoch, num_epochs) batch_gen_train = datamgr_train.get_batchgen(seed=epoch) # train single network epoch train_metrics, train_losses = self._train_single_epoch( batch_gen_train, epoch, verbose=verbose) total_metrics = { **train_metrics, **train_losses} # validate network if datamgr_valid is not None and (epoch % self.val_freq == 0): # next must be called here because self.predict_data_mgr # returns a generator (of size 1) and we want to get the first # (and only) item val_metrics = next( self.predict_data_mgr_cache_metrics_only( datamgr_valid, datamgr_valid.batch_size, metrics=val_metric_fns, metric_keys=val_metric_keys, verbose=verbose)) total_metrics.update(val_metrics) _, total_metrics = self._convert_to_npy_fn(**total_metrics) for k, v in total_metrics.items(): total_metrics[k] = reduce_fn(v) # check if metric became better if val_score_key is not None: if val_score_key not in total_metrics: if "val_" + val_score_key not in total_metrics: logger.warning( "val_score_key '%s' not a valid key for \ validation metrics" % str(val_score_key)) new_val_score = best_val_score else: new_val_score = total_metrics["val_" + val_score_key] val_score_key = "val_" + val_score_key else: new_val_score = total_metrics.get(val_score_key) if new_val_score != best_val_score: is_best = self._is_better_val_scores( best_val_score, new_val_score, val_score_mode) # set best_val_score to new_val_score if is_best if is_best: best_val_score = new_val_score if is_best and verbose:"New Best Value at Epoch %03d : %03.3f" % (epoch, best_val_score)) # log metrics and loss values for key, val in total_metrics.items():{"value": {"value": val, "name": key }}) self._at_epoch_end(total_metrics, val_score_key, epoch, is_best) is_best = False # stop training (might be caused by early stopping) if self.stop_training: break return self._at_training_end()
@property def fold(self): """ Get current fold Returns ------- int current fold """ return self._fold @fold.setter def fold(self, fold): """ Set the current fold Parameters ---------- fold : int new fold Raises ------ ValueError if `fold` is not covertable to :obj:`int` """ try: self._fold = int(fold) except ValueError as e: logger.error(e) raise e
[docs] def register_callback(self, callback: AbstractCallback): """ Register Callback to Trainer Parameters ---------- callback : :class:`AbstractCallback` the callback to register Raises ------ AssertionError `callback` is not an instance of :class:`AbstractCallback` and has not both methods ['at_epoch_begin', 'at_epoch_end'] """ assertion_str = "Given callback is not valid; Must be instance of " \ "AbstractCallback or provide functions " \ "'at_epoch_begin' and 'at_epoch_end'" instance_check = isinstance(callback, AbstractCallback) attr_check_begin = hasattr(callback, "at_epoch_begin") attr_check_end = hasattr(callback, "at_epoch_end") attr_check_both = attr_check_begin and attr_check_end assert instance_check or attr_check_both, assertion_str self._callbacks.append(callback)
[docs] def save_state(self, file_name, *args, **kwargs): """ saves the current state Parameters ---------- file_name : str filename to save the state to *args : positional arguments **kwargs : keyword arguments """ with open(file_name, "wb") as f: pickle.dump(vars(self), f, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] @staticmethod def load_state(file_name, *args, **kwargs): """ Loads the new state from file Parameters ---------- file_name : str the file to load the state from *args : positional arguments **kwargs : keyword arguments Returns ------- dict new state """ with open(file_name, "rb") as f: new_state = pickle.load(f, *args, **kwargs) return new_state
[docs] def _update_state(self, new_state): """ Update the state from a given new state Parameters ---------- new_state : dict new state to update internal state from Returns ------- :class:`BaseNetworkTrainer` the trainer with a modified state """ for key, val in new_state.items(): if key.startswith("__") and key.endswith("__"): continue try: setattr(self, key, val) except PermissionError: logger.error("Trying to overwrite attribute %s of " "NetworkTrainer, which is not allowed!" % key) return self
[docs] def update_state(self, file_name, *args, **kwargs): """ Update internal state from a loaded state Parameters ---------- file_name : str file containing the new state to load *args : positional arguments **kwargs : keyword arguments Returns ------- :class:`BaseNetworkTrainer` the trainer with a modified state """ self._update_state(self.load_state(file_name, *args, **kwargs))
[docs] @staticmethod def _is_better_val_scores(old_val_score, new_val_score, mode='highest'): """ Check whether the new val score is better than the old one with respect to the optimization goal Parameters ---------- old_val_score : old validation score new_val_score : new validation score mode: str String to specify whether a higher or lower validation score is optimal; must be in ['highest', 'lowest'] Returns ------- bool True if new score is better, False otherwise """ assert mode in ['highest', 'lowest'], "Invalid Comparison Mode" if mode == 'highest': return new_val_score > old_val_score elif mode == 'lowest': return new_val_score < old_val_score
[docs] def _reinitialize_logging(self, logging_type, logging_kwargs: dict): from ..logging import TensorboardXLoggingHandler, VisdomLoggingHandler if isinstance(logging_type, str): if logging_type.lower() == "visdom": logging_cls = VisdomLoggingHandler elif logging_type.lower() == "tensorboardx": logging_cls = TensorboardXLoggingHandler else: raise ValueError("Invalid Logging Type") else: logging_cls = logging_type if logging_cls == VisdomLoggingHandler: _logging_kwargs = {"exp_name": "main", "level": 0} elif logging_cls == TensorboardXLoggingHandler: _logging_kwargs = {"log_dir": self.save_path, "level": 0} _logging_kwargs.update(logging_kwargs) if "exp_name" in _logging_kwargs.keys(): _logging_kwargs["exp_name"] = _logging_kwargs["exp_name"] + \ "_%02d" % self.fold # remove prior Trixihandlers and reinitialize it with given logging # type # This facilitates visualization of multiple splits/fold inside one # tensorboard-instance by means of # different tf.Summary.FileWriters() root_logger = logging.getLogger() new_handlers = [] for handler in root_logger.handlers: if isinstance(handler, TrixiHandler): handler.close() else: new_handlers.append(handler) root_logger.handlers = [] new_handlers.append( logging_cls(**_logging_kwargs) ) logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, handlers=new_handlers)
[docs] @staticmethod def _search_for_prev_state(path, extensions=None): """ Helper function to search in a given path for previous epoch states (indicated by extensions) Parameters ---------- path : str the path to search in extensions : list list of strings containing valid file extensions for checkpoint files Returns ------- str the file containing the latest checkpoint (if available) None if no latst checkpoint was found int the latest epoch (1 if no checkpoint was found) """ if extensions is None: extensions = [] files = [] for file in os.listdir(path): for ext in extensions: if not ext.startswith("."): ext = "." + ext if not file.endswith(ext): continue if not file.startswith("checkpoint"): continue if file.endswith("_best" + ext): continue files.append(file) break if files: latest_epoch = max([ int(x.rsplit("_", 1)[-1].rsplit(".", 1)[0]) for x in files]) latest_state_filename = [x for x in files if x.startswith("checkpoint_epoch_%d" % latest_epoch)][0] latest_state_path = os.path.join(path, latest_state_filename) return latest_state_path, latest_epoch return None, 1