Source code for

import inspect
import logging
import os
import importlib
from collections import OrderedDict
from itertools import islice

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)


    import torch

    from torchvision import models as t_models
    from torch import nn
    from torch.nn import functional as F
    from torch import optim

    from ..models import AbstractPyTorchNetwork

[docs] def save_checkpoint(file: str, model=None, optimizers={}, epoch=None, weights_only=False, **kwargs): """ Save model's parameters Parameters ---------- file : str filepath the model should be saved to model : AbstractNetwork or None the model which should be saved if None: empty dict will be saved as state dict optimizers : dict dictionary containing all optimizers epoch : int current epoch (will also be pickled) weights_only : bool whether or not to save only the model's weights or also save additional information (for easy loading) """ if isinstance(model, torch.nn.DataParallel): _model = model.module else: _model = model if isinstance(_model, AbstractPyTorchNetwork): model_state = _model.state_dict() else: model_state = {} logger.debug("Saving checkpoint without Model") optim_state = OrderedDict() for key, val in optimizers.items(): if isinstance(val, torch.optim.Optimizer): optim_state[key] = val.state_dict() if not optim_state: logger.debug("Saving checkpoint without Optimizer") if epoch is None: epoch = 0 state = {"optimizer": optim_state, "model": model_state, "epoch": epoch} if not weights_only: source = inspect.getsource(_model.__class__) class_name_model = _model.__class__.__name__ class_names_optim = OrderedDict() for key in optim_state.keys(): class_names_optim[key] = optimizers[key].__class__.__name__ parent_class = _model.__class__.__mro__[1].__name__ init_kwargs = _model.init_kwargs{'source': source, 'cls_name_model': class_name_model, 'parent_class': parent_class, 'init_kwargs': init_kwargs, 'state_dict': state, 'cls_name_optim': class_names_optim}, file) else:, file)
[docs] def load_checkpoint(file, weights_only=False, **kwargs): """ Loads a saved model Parameters ---------- file : str filepath to a file containing a saved model weights_only : bool whether the file contains only weights / only weights should be returned **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments (passed to torch.load) Especially "map_location" is important to change the device the state_dict should be loaded to Returns ------- OrderedDict checkpoint state_dict if `weights_only=True` torch.nn.Module, OrderedDict, int Model, Optimizers, epoch with loaded state_dicts if `weights_only=False` """ if weights_only: return torch.load(file, **kwargs) else: loaded_dict = torch.load(file, **kwargs) # import parent class exec("from ..models import " + loaded_dict["parent_class"]) # execute pickled code (to get access to class) exec(loaded_dict["source"]) # create class instance (default device: CPU) exec("model = " + loaded_dict["cls_name_model"] + "(**loaded_dict['init_kwargs'])") # check for "map_location" kwarg and use device of first weight tensor # as default argument (weight tensors should be all on same device) if loaded_dict["state_dict"]["model"]: default_device = next( islice( loaded_dict["state_dict"]["model"].values(), 1) ).device else: default_device = torch.device("cpu") map_location = kwargs.get("map_location", # use slicing instead of converting to list # to avoid memory overhead default_device) # push created class from CPU to suitable device locals()['model'].to(map_location) locals()['model'].load_state_dict(loaded_dict["state_dict"]["model"]) optims = OrderedDict() for key in loaded_dict["cls_name_optim"].keys(): exec("_optim = optim.%s(models.parameters())" % loaded_dict["cls_name_optim"][key]) optims[key] = locals()['_optim'] for key, val in optims.items(): optims[key] = val.load_state_dict( loaded_dict["state_dict"]["optimizer"][key]) return locals()['model'], optims, loaded_dict["state_dict"]["epoch"]
except ImportError as e: raise e