Source code for

from ..utils import now
from ..data_loading import BaseDataManager, ConcatDataManager
from .. import __version__ as delira_version
from .parameters import Parameters
from trixi.experiment import Experiment as TrixiExperiment
import os
import logging
import yaml
import typing
import numpy as np

import pickle

from abc import abstractmethod
from sklearn.model_selection import KFold
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from datetime import datetime
from inspect import signature
from functools import partial

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)


[docs]class AbstractExperiment(TrixiExperiment): """ Abstract Class Representing a single Experiment (must be subclassed for each Backend) See Also -------- :class:`PyTorchExperiment` """ @abstractmethod def __init__(self, n_epochs, *args, **kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- n_epochs : int number of epochs to train *args : positional arguments **kwargs : keyword arguments """ super().__init__(n_epochs) self._run = 0
[docs] @abstractmethod def setup(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Abstract Method to setup a :class:`AbstractNetworkTrainer` Raises ------ NotImplementedError if not overwritten by subclass """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] @abstractmethod def run(self, train_data: typing.Union[BaseDataManager, ConcatDataManager], val_data: typing.Optional[typing.Union[BaseDataManager, ConcatDataManager]] = None, params: typing.Optional[Parameters] = None, **kwargs): """ trains single model Parameters ---------- train_data : :class:`BaseDataManager` or :class:`ConcatDataManager` data manager containing the training data val_data : :class:`BaseDataManager` or :class:`ConcatDataManager` data manager containing the validation data parameters : :class:`Parameters`, optional Class containing all parameters (defaults to None). If not specified, the parameters fall back to the ones given during class initialization Raises ------ NotImplementedError If not overwritten in subclass """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def kfold(self, num_epochs: int, data: typing.List[BaseDataManager], num_splits=None, shuffle=False, random_seed=None, **kwargs): """ Runs K-Fold Crossvalidation Parameters ---------- num_epochs : int number of epochs to train the model data : list of BaseDataManager list of datamanagers (will be split for crossvalidation) num_splits : None or int number of splits for kfold if None: len(data) splits will be validated shuffle : bool whether or not to shuffle indices for kfold random_seed : None or int random seed used to seed the kfold (if shuffle is true), pytorch and numpy **kwargs : additional keyword arguments (completely passed to """ if num_splits is None: num_splits = len(data) fold = KFold(n_splits=num_splits, shuffle=shuffle, random_state=random_seed) if random_seed is not None: torch.manual_seed(random_seed) np.random.seed(random_seed) for idx, (train_idxs, test_idxs) in enumerate(fold.split(data)): [data[_idx] for _idx in train_idxs]), ConcatDataManager([data[_idx] for _idx in test_idxs]), num_epochs=num_epochs, fold=idx, **kwargs)
def __str__(self): """ Converts :class:`AbstractExperiment` to string representation Returns ------- str representation of class """ s = "Experiment:\n" for k, v in vars(self).items(): s += "\t{} = {}\n".format(k, v) return s def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Call :meth:`` Parameters ---------- *args : positional arguments **kwargs : keyword arguments Returns ------- :class:`AbstractNetworkTrainer` trainer of trained network """ return*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @abstractmethod def save(self): """ Saves the Whole experiments Raises ------ NotImplementedError If not overwritten in subclass """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] @staticmethod @abstractmethod def load(file_name): """ Loads whole experiment Parameters ---------- file_name : str file_name to load the experiment from Raises ------ NotImplementedError if not overwritten in subclass """ raise NotImplementedError()
try: import torch from .train_utils import create_optims_default_pytorch from .pytorch_trainer import PyTorchNetworkTrainer as PTNetworkTrainer from ..models import AbstractPyTorchNetwork
[docs] class PyTorchExperiment(AbstractExperiment): """ Single Experiment for PyTorch Backend See Also -------- :class:`AbstractExperiment` """ def __init__(self, params: Parameters, model_cls: AbstractPyTorchNetwork, name=None, save_path=None, val_score_key=None, optim_builder=create_optims_default_pytorch, checkpoint_freq=1, trainer_cls=PTNetworkTrainer, **kwargs ): """ Parameters ---------- params : :class:`Parameters` the training and model parameters model_cls : the class to instantiate models name : str the experiment's name, default: None -> "UnnamedExperiment" save_path : str the path to save the experiment to (a date-time signature will be appended), default: None -> Use current working dir val_score_key : str or None key to access the metric to monitor for model selection and callbacks (often starts with "val_") optim_builder : function function returning a dictionary of optimizers defaults to :function:`create_optims_default_pytorch` checkpoint_freq : int save checkpoint after each n epochs (if set to 1, checkpoints will be saved after each epoch, if set to 2, checkpoints will be saved after each 2 epochs etc.) trainer_cls : class defining the actual trainer, defaults to :class:`PyTorchNetworkTrainer`, which should be suitable for most cases, but can easily be overwritten and exchanged if necessary **kwargs : additional keyword arguments """ if isinstance(params, str): with open(params, "rb") as f: params = pickle.load(f) n_epochs = params.nested_get("num_epochs") AbstractExperiment.__init__(self, n_epochs) if name is None: name = "UnnamedExperiment" = name if save_path is None: save_path = os.path.abspath(".") self.save_path = os.path.join(save_path, name, str( "%y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S"))) if os.path.isdir(self.save_path): logger.warning("Save Path %s already exists") os.makedirs(self.save_path, exist_ok=True) self.trainer_cls = trainer_cls if val_score_key is None and params.nested_get("metrics"): val_score_key = sorted(params.nested_get("metrics").keys())[0] self.val_score_key = val_score_key self.params = params self.model_cls = model_cls self.kwargs = kwargs self._optim_builder = optim_builder self.checkpoint_freq = checkpoint_freq self._run = 0 # log HyperParameters{"text": {"text": str(params) + "\n\tmodel_class = %s" % model_cls.__class__.__name__}})
[docs] def setup(self, params: Parameters, **kwargs): """ Perform setup of Network Trainer Parameters ---------- params : :class:`Parameters` the parameters to construct a model and network trainer **kwargs : keyword arguments """ model_params = params.permute_training_on_top().model model_kwargs = {} for key in signature(self.model_cls.__init__).parameters.keys(): if key in ["self", "args", "kwargs"]: continue try: model_kwargs[key] = model_params.nested_get(key) except KeyError: pass model = self.model_cls(**model_kwargs) training_params = params.permute_training_on_top().training criterions = training_params.nested_get("criterions") optimizer_cls = training_params.nested_get("optimizer_cls") optimizer_params = training_params.nested_get("optimizer_params") metrics = training_params.nested_get("metrics") lr_scheduler_cls = training_params.nested_get("lr_sched_cls") lr_scheduler_params = training_params.nested_get("lr_sched_params") return self.trainer_cls( network=model, save_path=os.path.join( self.save_path, "checkpoints", "run_%02d" % self._run), criterions=criterions, optimizer_cls=optimizer_cls, optimizer_params=optimizer_params, metrics=metrics, lr_scheduler_cls=lr_scheduler_cls, lr_scheduler_params=lr_scheduler_params, optim_fn=self._optim_builder, save_freq=self.checkpoint_freq, **self.kwargs, **kwargs )
[docs] def run(self, train_data: typing.Union[BaseDataManager, ConcatDataManager], val_data: typing.Union[BaseDataManager, ConcatDataManager, None], params: typing.Optional[Parameters] = None, **kwargs): """ trains single model Parameters ---------- train_data : BaseDataManager or ConcatDataManager holds the trainset val_data : BaseDataManager or ConcatDataManager or None holds the validation set (if None: Model will not be validated) params : :class:`Parameters` the parameters to construct a model and network trainer **kwargs : holds additional keyword arguments (which are completly passed to the trainers init) Returns ------- :class:`AbstractNetworkTrainer` trainer of trained network Raises ------ ValueError Class has no Attribute ``params`` and no parameters were given as function argument """ if params is None: if hasattr(self, "params"): params = self.params else: raise ValueError("No parameters given") else: self.params = params training_params = params.permute_training_on_top().training trainer = self.setup(params, **kwargs) self._run += 1 num_epochs = kwargs.get("num_epochs", training_params.nested_get( "num_epochs")) return trainer.train(num_epochs, train_data, val_data, self.val_score_key, self.kwargs.get("val_score_mode", "lowest") )
[docs] def save(self): """ Saves the Whole experiments """ with open(os.path.join(self.save_path, "experiment.delira.pkl"), "wb") as f: pickle.dump(self, f), "parameters"))
[docs] @staticmethod def load(file_name): """ Loads whole experiment Parameters ---------- file_name : str file_name to load the experiment from """ with open(file_name, "rb") as f: return pickle.load(f)
def __getstate__(self): return vars(self) def __setstate__(self, state): vars(self).update(state)
except ImportError as e: raise e