Source code for

import os
import logging
import shutil
import numpy as np
import typing
from import tqdm
from collections import OrderedDict
from batchgenerators.dataloading import MultiThreadedAugmenter
from .callbacks import AbstractCallback
from .abstract_trainer import AbstractNetworkTrainer

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    import torch
    from .train_utils import pytorch_batch_to_numpy
    from .train_utils import create_optims_default_pytorch as create_optims_default
    from import load_checkpoint, save_checkpoint

[docs] class PyTorchNetworkTrainer(AbstractNetworkTrainer): """ Train and Validate a Network See Also -------- :class:`AbstractNetwork` """ def __init__(self, network, save_path, criterions: dict, optimizer_cls, optimizer_params={}, metrics={}, lr_scheduler_cls=None, lr_scheduler_params={}, gpu_ids=[], save_freq=1, optim_fn=create_optims_default, fold=0, callbacks=[], start_epoch=1, mixed_precision=False, mixed_precision_kwargs={"enable_caching": True, "verbose": False, "allow_banned": False}, **kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- network : :class:`AbstractPyTorchNetwork` the network to train save_path : str path to save networks to criterions : dict dictionary containing the training criterions optimizer_cls : subclass of torch.optim.Optimizer optimizer class implementing the optimization algorithm of choice optimizer_params : dict keyword arguments passed to optimizer during construction metrics : dict dictionary containing the validation metrics lr_scheduler_cls : Any learning rate schedule class: must implement step() method lr_scheduler_params : dict keyword arguments passed to lr scheduler during construction gpu_ids : list list containing ids of GPUs to use; if empty: use cpu instead save_freq : int integer specifying how often to save the current model's state. State is saved every state_freq epochs optim_fn : function creates a dictionary containing all necessary optimizers fold : int current cross validation fold (0 per default) callbacks : list initial callbacks to register start_epoch : int epoch to start training at mixed_precision : bool whether to use mixed precision or not (False per default) mixed_precision_kwargs : dict additional keyword arguments for mixed precision **kwargs : additional keyword arguments """ super().__init__(fold, callbacks) self.save_path = save_path if os.path.isdir(save_path): logger.warning( "Save Path already exists. Saved Models may be overwritten") else: os.makedirs(save_path) self.criterions = criterions self.metrics = metrics self.save_freq = save_freq # Whether or not to stop the training # Used for early stopping self.stop_training = False self.start_epoch = start_epoch self._setup(network, optim_fn, optimizer_cls, optimizer_params, lr_scheduler_cls, lr_scheduler_params, gpu_ids, mixed_precision, mixed_precision_kwargs) for key, val in kwargs.items(): setattr(self, key, val)
[docs] def _setup(self, network, optim_fn, optimizer_cls, optimizer_params, lr_scheduler_cls, lr_scheduler_params, gpu_ids, mixed_precision, mixed_precision_kwargs): """ Defines the Trainers Setup Parameters ---------- network : :class:`AbstractPyTorchNetwork` the network to train optim_fn : function creates a dictionary containing all necessary optimizers optimizer_cls : subclass of torch.optim.Optimizer optimizer class implementing the optimization algorithm of choice optimizer_params : dict lr_scheduler_cls : Any learning rate schedule class: must implement step() method lr_scheduler_params : dict keyword arguments passed to lr scheduler during construction gpu_ids : list list containing ids of GPUs to use; if empty: use cpu instead mixed_precision : bool whether to use mixed precision or not (False per default) mixed_precision_kwargs : dict additional keyword arguments for mixed precision """ try: from apex import amp self._amp_handle = amp.init(mixed_precision, *mixed_precision_kwargs) wrap_fn = self._amp_handle.wrap_optimizer except ImportError: if mixed_precision: logger.warning("Apex was not found found, trying to continue \ in full precision instead") from ..utils.context_managers import DefaultOptimWrapperTorch wrap_fn = DefaultOptimWrapperTorch # wrap optimizers by half_precision_optimizer via apex if necessary self.optimizers = {k: wrap_fn( v, num_loss=len(self.criterions)) for k, v in optim_fn(network, optimizer_cls, **optimizer_params).items()} # schedulers if lr_scheduler_cls is not None: for key, optim in self.optimizers.items(): if not issubclass(lr_scheduler_cls, AbstractCallback): logger.warning("lr_scheduler_cls is not a callback.") # access actual optimizer by calling wrapped optimizer from wrapper self.register_callback(lr_scheduler_cls(optim._optimizer, **lr_scheduler_params)) # asssign closure and prepare batch from network self.closure_fn = network.closure self._prepare_batch = network.prepare_batch if gpu_ids and torch.cuda.is_available(): self.use_gpu = True if (len(gpu_ids) > 1) and (torch.cuda.device_count() > 1): # use GPU 0 as default input GPU self.input_device = torch.device("cuda:%d" % gpu_ids[0]) # Train on multiple GPUs and use GPU 0 as output device self.module = torch.nn.DataParallel( self.input_device), device_ids=gpu_ids, output_device=gpu_ids[1]) # use GPU 1 as default output GPU for balanced GPU usage self.output_device = torch.device("cuda:%d" % gpu_ids[1]) else: # use the only available GPU as input device self.input_device = torch.device("cuda:%d" % gpu_ids[0]) self.module = # use GPU 0 as output device as output device self.output_device = torch.device("cuda:%d" % gpu_ids[0]) else: self.use_gpu = False self.input_device = torch.device("cpu") self.output_device = torch.device("cpu") self.module =
[docs] def train(self, num_epochs, datamgr_train, datamgr_valid=None, val_score_key=None, val_score_mode='highest'): """ train network Parameters ---------- num_epochs : int number of epochs to train datamgr_train : BaseDataManager Data Manager to create Batch Generator for training datamgr_valid : BaseDataManager Data Manager to create Batch Generator for validation val_score_key : str Key of validation metric; must be key in self.metrics val_score_mode : str String to specify whether a higher or lower validation score is optimal; must be in ['highest', 'lowest'] Returns ------- :class:`AbstractPyTorchNetwork` Best model (if `val_score_key` is not a valid key the model of the last epoch will be returned) """ self._at_training_begin() self.module.train() if val_score_mode == 'highest': best_val_score = 0 elif val_score_mode == 'lowest': best_val_score = float('inf') else: best_val_score = None curr_val_score = best_val_score self.save_state(os.path.join(self.save_path, "checkpoint_epoch_0.pth"), self.start_epoch) metrics_val = {} for epoch in range(self.start_epoch, num_epochs+1): self._at_epoch_begin(metrics_val, val_score_key, epoch, num_epochs) batch_gen_train = datamgr_train.get_batchgen(seed=epoch) self._train_single_epoch(batch_gen_train, epoch) if datamgr_valid: # validate with batchsize 1 and 1 augmentation processs to # avoid dropping of last elements orig_num_aug_processes = datamgr_valid.n_process_augmentation orig_batch_size = datamgr_valid.batch_size datamgr_valid.batch_size = 1 datamgr_valid.n_process_augmentation = 1 labels_val, pred_val, metrics_val = self.predict( datamgr_valid.get_batchgen(), batch_size=orig_batch_size) # reset old values datamgr_valid.batch_size = orig_batch_size datamgr_valid.n_process_augmentation = orig_num_aug_processes # ToDO: Move decision, if current model is best to callback if val_score_key in metrics_val.keys(): curr_val_score = metrics_val[val_score_key] is_best = self._is_better_val_scores(best_val_score, curr_val_score, val_score_mode) else: logger.warning( "Validation score key not in metric dict. " "Logging metrics but can't decide which model is best") is_best = False if is_best: best_val_score = curr_val_score tqdm.write( 'Best val score = %2.3f' % best_val_score.item()) else: is_best = False else: is_best = False labels_val, pred_val, metrics_val = {}, {}, {} self._at_epoch_end(metrics_val, val_score_key, epoch, is_best) # stop training (might be caused by early stopping) if self.stop_training: break return self._at_training_end()
[docs] def _at_training_begin(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Defines behaviour at beginning of training Parameters ---------- *args : positional arguments **kwargs : keyword arguments """ # Load latest epoch file if available if os.path.isdir(self.save_path): try: files = [x for x in os.listdir(self.save_path) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.save_path, x)) and x.startswith("checkpoint")] latest_epoch = max([int(x.rsplit("_", 1)[-1].rsplit(".", 1)[0]) for x in files]) latest_state_path = os.path.join(self.save_path, "checkpoint_epoch_%d.pth" % latest_epoch) latest_state = torch.load(latest_state_path) self.module.load_state_dict(latest_state["state_dict"]["model"]) self.start_epoch = latest_epoch for k, state in latest_state["state_dict"]["optimizer"].items(): self.optimizers[k].load_state_dict(state)"Loaded previous training from %s" % latest_state_path) except Exception as e: pass
[docs] def _at_training_end(self): """ Defines Behaviour at end of training: Loads best model if available Returns ------- :class:`AbstractPyTorchNetwork` best network """ if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.save_path, 'checkpoint_best.pth')): # load best model and return it self.update_state(os.path.join(self.save_path, 'checkpoint_best.pth') ) return self.module
[docs] def _at_epoch_begin(self, metrics_val, val_score_key, epoch, num_epochs, **kwargs): """ Defines behaviour at beginning of each epoch: Executes all callbacks's `at_epoch_begin` method Parameters ---------- metrics_val : dict validation metrics val_score_key : str validation score key epoch : int current epoch num_epochs : int total number of epochs **kwargs : keyword arguments """ # execute all callbacks for cb in self._callbacks: self._update_state(cb.at_epoch_begin(self, val_metrics=metrics_val, val_score_key=val_score_key, curr_epoch=epoch))
[docs] def _at_epoch_end(self, metrics_val, val_score_key, epoch, is_best, **kwargs): """ Defines behaviour at beginning of each epoch: Executes all callbacks's `at_epoch_end` method and saves current state if necessary Parameters ---------- metrics_val : dict validation metrics val_score_key : str validation score key epoch : int current epoch num_epochs : int total number of epochs **kwargs : keyword arguments """ for cb in self._callbacks: self._update_state(cb.at_epoch_end(self, val_metrics=metrics_val, val_score_key=val_score_key, curr_epoch=epoch)) if epoch % self.save_freq == 0: self.save_state(os.path.join(self.save_path, "checkpoint_epoch_%d.pth" % epoch), epoch, False)
[docs] def _train_single_epoch(self, batchgen: MultiThreadedAugmenter, epoch): """ Trains the network a single epoch Parameters ---------- batchgen : MultiThreadedAugmenter Generator yielding the training batches epoch : int current epoch """ self.module.train() n_batches = batchgen.generator.num_batches * batchgen.num_processes pbar = tqdm(enumerate(batchgen), unit=' batch', total=n_batches, desc='Epoch %d' % epoch) for batch_nr, batch in pbar: data_dict = self._prepare_batch(batch, self.input_device, self.output_device) _, _, _ = self.closure_fn(self.module, data_dict, optimizers=self.optimizers, criterions=self.criterions, metrics=self.metrics, fold=self.fold, batch_nr=batch_nr) batchgen._finish()
[docs] def predict(self, batchgen, batch_size=None): """ Returns predictions from network for batches from batchgen Parameters ---------- batchgen : MultiThreadedAugmenter Generator yielding the batches to predict batch_size : None or int if int: collect batches until batch_size is reached and forward them together Returns ------- np.ndarray predictions from batches list of np.ndarray labels from batches dict dictionary containing the mean validation metrics and the mean loss values """ self.module.eval() outputs_all, labels_all = [], [] metric_mean_vals = {} loss_mean_vals = {} n_batches = batchgen.generator.num_batches * batchgen.num_processes pbar = tqdm(enumerate(batchgen), unit=' sample', total=n_batches, desc='Test') batch_list = [] for i, batch in pbar: data_dict = self._prepare_batch(batch, self.input_device, self.output_device) # queue inputs and labels batch_list.append(data_dict) # if queue is full process queue: if batch_size is None or len(batch_list) >= batch_size: if not batch_list and (n_batches - i) < batch_size: batch_size = n_batches - i logger.debug("Set Batchsize down to %d to avoid cutting " "of the last batches" % batch_size) batch_dict = {} for batch in batch_list: for key, val in batch.items(): if key in batch_dict.keys(): batch_dict[key].append(val) else: batch_dict[key] = [val] for key, val_list in batch_dict.items(): batch_dict[key] = met_vals, loss_vals, preds = self.closure_fn( self.module, batch_dict, optimizers={}, criterions=self.criterions, metrics=self.metrics, fold=self.fold) for key, val in met_vals.items(): if key in metric_mean_vals.keys(): metric_mean_vals[key] += val.detach() else: metric_mean_vals[key] = val.detach() for key, val in loss_vals.items(): if key in loss_mean_vals.keys(): loss_mean_vals[key] += val.detach() else: loss_mean_vals[key] = val.detach() outputs_all.append([pytorch_batch_to_numpy(tmp) for tmp in preds]) label_dict = { } for key, val in batch_dict.items(): if "data" not in key and "img" not in key: label_dict[key] = pytorch_batch_to_numpy(val) labels_all.append([label_dict[key] for key in sorted(label_dict.keys())]) batch_list = [] batchgen._finish() # transpose labels and outputs to have a list of lists of # labels of same type labels_all = zip(*labels_all) outputs_all = zip(*outputs_all) labels_all = [np.asarray(_labels) for _labels in labels_all] outputs_all = [np.asarray(_outputs) for _outputs in outputs_all] # metric_mean_vals contains sums of metrics so far. # Dividing by number of batches to get mean values # if virtual batchsize is given: calculate actual number of batches if batch_size is not None: div = n_batches / batch_size else: div = n_batches val_dict = {} for key, val in metric_mean_vals.items(): val_dict[key] = val / div for key, val in loss_mean_vals.items(): val_dict[key] = val / div return outputs_all, labels_all, val_dict
[docs] def save_state(self, file_name, epoch, weights_only=False, **kwargs): """ saves the current state via :func:`` Parameters ---------- file_name : str filename to save the state to epoch : int current epoch (will be saved for mapping back) weights_only : bool whether to store only weights (default: False) *args : positional arguments **kwargs : keyword arguments """ save_checkpoint(file_name, self.module, self.optimizers, weights_only, **kwargs)
[docs] @staticmethod def load_state(file_name, weights_only=True, **kwargs): """ Loads the new state from file via :func:`` Parameters ---------- file_name : str the file to load the state from weights_only : bool whether file contains stored weights only (default: False) **kwargs : keyword arguments Returns ------- dict new state """ if weights_only: return load_checkpoint(file_name, weights_only, **kwargs) else: model, optimizer, epoch = load_checkpoint(file_name, weights_only, **kwargs) return {"module": model, "optimizers": optimizer, "start_epoch": epoch}
except ImportError as e: raise e