Source code for

import os
import logging
import numpy as np
from import tqdm
import tensorflow as tf
from batchgenerators.dataloading import MultiThreadedAugmenter
from .callbacks import AbstractCallback
from .abstract_trainer import AbstractNetworkTrainer
from .train_utils import create_optims_default_tf as create_optims_default
from .train_utils import initialize_uninitialized
from import tf_load_checkpoint, tf_save_checkpoint
from delira.logging import TrixiHandler
from trixi.logger.tensorboard.tensorboardxlogger import TensorboardXLogger

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class TfNetworkTrainer(AbstractNetworkTrainer): """ Train and Validate a Network See Also -------- :class:`AbstractNetwork` """ def __init__(self, network, save_path, losses: dict, optimizer_cls, optimizer_params={}, metrics={}, lr_scheduler_cls=None, lr_scheduler_params={}, gpu_ids=[], save_freq=1, optim_fn=create_optims_default, fold=0, callbacks=[], start_epoch=1, **kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- network : :class:`AbstractTfNetwork` the network to train save_path : str path to save networks to losses : dict dictionary containing the training losses optimizer_cls : subclass of tf.train.Optimizer optimizer class implementing the optimization algorithm of choice optimizer_params : dict keyword arguments passed to optimizer during construction metrics : dict dictionary containing the validation metrics lr_scheduler_cls : Any learning rate schedule class: must implement step() method lr_scheduler_params : dict keyword arguments passed to lr scheduler during construction gpu_ids : list list containing ids of GPUs to use; if empty: use cpu instead save_freq : int integer specifying how often to save the current model's state. State is saved every state_freq epochs optim_fn : function creates a dictionary containing all necessary optimizers fold : int current cross validation fold (0 per default) callbacks : list initial callbacks to register start_epoch : int epoch to start training at **kwargs : additional keyword arguments """ super().__init__(fold, callbacks) self.save_path = save_path if os.path.isdir(save_path): logger.warning( "Save Path already exists. Saved Models may be overwritten") else: os.makedirs(save_path) # remove prior Trixihandlers and ensure logging of training results to self.save_path # This facilitates visualization of multiple splits/fold inside one tensorboard-instance by means of # different tf.Summary.FileWriters() root_logger = logging.getLogger() for handler in root_logger.handlers: handler.close() root_logger.handlers = [] logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, handlers=[TrixiHandler(TensorboardXLogger, 0, self.save_path)]) self.losses = losses self.metrics = metrics self.save_freq = save_freq # Whether or not to stop the training # Used for early stopping self.stop_training = False self.start_epoch = start_epoch self._setup(network, optim_fn, optimizer_cls, optimizer_params, lr_scheduler_cls, lr_scheduler_params, gpu_ids) for key, val in kwargs.items(): setattr(self, key, val)
[docs] def _setup(self, network, optim_fn, optimizer_cls, optimizer_params, lr_scheduler_cls, lr_scheduler_params, gpu_ids): """ Defines the Trainers Setup Parameters ---------- network : instance of :class: `AbstractTfNetwork` the network to train optim_fn : function creates a dictionary containing all necessary optimizers optimizer_cls : subclass of tf.train.Optimizer optimizer class implementing the optimization algorithm of choice optimizer_params : dict lr_scheduler_cls : Any learning rate schedule class: must implement step() method lr_scheduler_params : dict keyword arguments passed to lr scheduler during construction gpu_ids : list list containing ids of GPUs to use; if empty: use cpu instead """ self.optimizers = optim_fn(optimizer_cls, **optimizer_params) # schedulers if lr_scheduler_cls is not None: for key, optim in self.optimizers.items(): if not isinstance(lr_scheduler_cls, AbstractCallback): logger.warning("lr_scheduler_cls is not a callback.") self.register_callback(lr_scheduler_cls(optim, **lr_scheduler_params)) # asssign closure and prepare batch from network self.closure_fn = network.closure # TODO: implement multi-GPU and single GPU training with help of # # note: might be bugged in combination with # and """ if gpu_ids and tf.test.is_gpu_available(): assert len(gpu_ids) <= len(get_available_gpus()), "more GPUs specified than available" self.use_gpu = True if len(gpu_ids) > 1: logger.warning( "multi-GPU training not yet tested!") network.model = tf.keras.utils.multi_gpu_model( network.model, len(gpu_ids), cpu_merge=True, cpu_relocation=False) else: network.models = tf.keras.models.clone_model(network.model) else: self.use_gpu = False """ self.use_gpu = True self.module = network # TODO: Beautify self.module._add_losses(self.losses) self.module._add_optims(self.optimizers) # check for unitialized variables initialize_uninitialized(self.module._sess)
[docs] def train(self, num_epochs, datamgr_train, datamgr_valid=None, val_score_key=None, val_score_mode='highest'): """ train network Parameters ---------- num_epochs : int number of epochs to train datamgr_train : BaseDataManager Data Manager to create Batch Generator for training datamgr_valid : BaseDataManager Data Manager to create Batch Generator for validation val_score_key : str Key of validation metric; must be key in self.metrics val_score_mode : str String to specify whether a higher or lower validation score is optimal; must be in ['highest', 'lowest'] Returns ------- :class:`AbstractTfNetwork` Best model (if `val_score_key` is not a valid key the model of the last epoch will be returned) """ self._at_training_begin() if val_score_mode == 'highest': best_val_score = 0 elif val_score_mode == 'lowest': best_val_score = float('inf') else: best_val_score = None curr_val_score = best_val_score self.save_state(os.path.join(self.save_path, "checkpoint_epoch_0")) metrics_val = {} for epoch in range(self.start_epoch, num_epochs+1): self._at_epoch_begin(metrics_val, val_score_key, epoch, num_epochs) batch_gen_train = datamgr_train.get_batchgen(seed=epoch) self._train_single_epoch(batch_gen_train, epoch) if datamgr_valid: # validate with batchsize 1 and 1 augmentation processs to # avoid dropping of last elements orig_num_aug_processes = datamgr_valid.n_process_augmentation orig_batch_size = datamgr_valid.batch_size datamgr_valid.batch_size = 1 datamgr_valid.n_process_augmentation = 1 labels_val, pred_val, metrics_val = self.predict( datamgr_valid.get_batchgen(), batch_size=orig_batch_size) # reset old values datamgr_valid.batch_size = orig_batch_size datamgr_valid.n_process_augmentation = orig_num_aug_processes # ToDO: Move decision, if current model is best to callback if val_score_key in metrics_val.keys(): curr_val_score = metrics_val[val_score_key] is_best = self._is_better_val_scores(best_val_score, curr_val_score, val_score_mode) else: logger.warning( "Validation score key not in metric dict. " "Logging metrics but can't decide which model is best") is_best = False if is_best: best_val_score = curr_val_score tqdm.write( 'Best val score = %2.3f' % best_val_score.item()) else: is_best = False else: is_best = False labels_val, pred_val, metrics_val = {}, {}, {} self._at_epoch_end(metrics_val, val_score_key, epoch, is_best) # stop training (might be caused by early stopping) if self.stop_training: break return self._at_training_end()
[docs] def _at_training_begin(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Defines behaviour at beginning of training Parameters ---------- *args : positional arguments **kwargs : keyword arguments """ pass
[docs] def _at_training_end(self): """ Defines Behaviour at end of training: Loads best model if available Returns ------- :class:`AbstractTfNetwork` best network """ if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.save_path, 'checkpoint_best.meta')): # load best model and return it. Since the state is hidden in the graph, we don't actually need to use # self.update_state. self.update_state(os.path.join(self.save_path, 'checkpoint_best') ) return self.module
[docs] def _at_epoch_begin(self, metrics_val, val_score_key, epoch, num_epochs, **kwargs): """ Defines behaviour at beginning of each epoch: Executes all callbacks's `at_epoch_begin` method Parameters ---------- metrics_val : dict validation metrics val_score_key : str validation score key epoch : int current epoch num_epochs : int total number of epochs **kwargs : keyword arguments """ # execute all callbacks for cb in self._callbacks: self._update_state(cb.at_epoch_begin(self, val_metrics=metrics_val, val_score_key=val_score_key, curr_epoch=epoch))
[docs] def _at_epoch_end(self, metrics_val, val_score_key, epoch, is_best, **kwargs): """ Defines behaviour at beginning of each epoch: Executes all callbacks's `at_epoch_end` method and saves current state if necessary Parameters ---------- metrics_val : dict validation metrics val_score_key : str validation score key epoch : int current epoch num_epochs : int total number of epochs **kwargs : keyword arguments """ for cb in self._callbacks: self._update_state(cb.at_epoch_end(self, val_metrics=metrics_val, val_score_key=val_score_key, curr_epoch=epoch)) if epoch % self.save_freq == 0: self.save_state(os.path.join(self.save_path, "checkpoint_epoch_%d" % epoch)) if is_best: self.save_state(os.path.join(self.save_path, "checkpoint_best"))
[docs] def _train_single_epoch(self, batchgen: MultiThreadedAugmenter, epoch): """ Trains the network a single epoch Parameters ---------- batchgen : MultiThreadedAugmenter Generator yielding the training batches epoch : int current epoch """ = True n_batches = batchgen.generator.num_batches * batchgen.num_processes pbar = tqdm(enumerate(batchgen), unit=' batch', total=n_batches, desc='Epoch %d' % epoch) for batch_nr, batch in pbar: data_dict = batch _, _, _ = self.closure_fn(self.module, data_dict, optimizers=self.optimizers, losses=self.losses, metrics=self.metrics, fold=self.fold, batch_nr=batch_nr) batchgen._finish()
[docs] def predict(self, batchgen, batch_size=None): """ Returns predictions from network for batches from batchgen Parameters ---------- batchgen : MultiThreadedAugmenter Generator yielding the batches to predict batch_size : None or int if int: collect batches until batch_size is reached and forward them together Returns ------- np.ndarray predictions from batches list of np.ndarray labels from batches dict dictionary containing the mean validation metrics and the mean loss values """ = False outputs_all, labels_all = [], [] metric_mean_vals = {} loss_mean_vals = {} n_batches = batchgen.generator.num_batches * batchgen.num_processes pbar = tqdm(enumerate(batchgen), unit=' sample', total=n_batches, desc='Test') batch_list = [] orig_batch_size = batch_size for i, batch in pbar: if not batch_list and (n_batches - i) < batch_size: batch_size = n_batches - i logger.debug("Set Batchsize down to %d to avoid cutting " "of the last batches" % batch_size) # queue inputs and labels batch_list.append(batch) # if queue is full process queue: if batch_size is None or len(batch_list) >= batch_size: batch_dict = {} for batch in batch_list: for key, val in batch.items(): if key in batch_dict.keys(): batch_dict[key].append(val) else: batch_dict[key] = [val] for key, val_list in batch_dict.items(): batch_dict[key] = np.concatenate(val_list) met_vals, loss_vals, preds = self.closure_fn( self.module, batch_dict, optimizers={}, losses=self.losses, metrics=self.metrics, fold=self.fold) for key, val in met_vals.items(): if key in metric_mean_vals.keys(): metric_mean_vals[key] += val else: metric_mean_vals[key] = val for key, val in loss_vals.items(): if key in loss_mean_vals.keys(): loss_mean_vals[key] += val else: loss_mean_vals[key] = val outputs_all.append(tmp for tmp in preds) label_dict = {} for key, val in batch_dict.items(): if "data" not in key and "img" not in key: label_dict[key] = val labels_all.append([label_dict[key] for key in sorted(label_dict.keys())]) batch_list = [] batchgen._finish() # transpose labels and outputs to have a list of lists of # labels of same type labels_all = zip(*labels_all) outputs_all = zip(*outputs_all) labels_all = [np.vstack(_labels) for _labels in labels_all] outputs_all = [np.vstack(_outputs) for _outputs in outputs_all] # metric_mean_vals contains sums of metrics so far. # Dividing by number of batches to get mean values # if virtual batchsize is given: calculate actual number of batches if batch_size is not None: div = np.ceil(n_batches / orig_batch_size) else: div = n_batches val_dict = {} for key, val in metric_mean_vals.items(): val_dict[key] = val / div for key, val in loss_mean_vals.items(): val_dict[key] = val / div return outputs_all, labels_all, val_dict
[docs] def save_state(self, file_name): """ saves the current state via :func:`` Parameters ---------- file_name : str filename to save the state to """ tf_save_checkpoint(file_name, self.module)
[docs] def load_state(self, file_name): """ Loads the new state from file via :func:`` Parameters ---------- file_name : str the file to load the state from Returns ------- """ return tf_load_checkpoint(file_name, self.module)