Source code for

import logging
import os

import numpy as np

from import tqdm
import warnings
from collections import OrderedDict
from batchgenerators.dataloading import MultiThreadedAugmenter
from .callbacks import AbstractCallback
from .base_trainer import BaseNetworkTrainer
from functools import partial

from delira import get_backends
from .callbacks import AbstractCallback

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

if "TORCH" in get_backends():
    import torch
    from .train_utils import convert_torch_tensor_to_npy
    from .train_utils import create_optims_default_pytorch as \

    from import load_checkpoint, save_checkpoint
    from ..models import AbstractPyTorchNetwork

[docs] class PyTorchNetworkTrainer(BaseNetworkTrainer): """ Train and Validate a Network See Also -------- :class:`AbstractNetwork` """ def __init__(self, network: AbstractPyTorchNetwork, save_path: str, key_mapping, losses=None, optimizer_cls=None, optimizer_params={}, train_metrics={}, val_metrics={}, lr_scheduler_cls=None, lr_scheduler_params={}, gpu_ids=[], save_freq=1, optim_fn=create_optims_default, logging_type="tensorboardx", logging_kwargs={}, fold=0, callbacks=[], start_epoch=1, metric_keys=None, convert_batch_to_npy_fn=convert_torch_tensor_to_npy, mixed_precision=False, mixed_precision_kwargs={"enable_caching": True, "verbose": False, "allow_banned": False}, criterions=None, val_freq=1, ** kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- network : :class:`AbstractTfNetwork` the network to train save_path : str path to save networks to key_mapping : dict a dictionary containing the mapping from the ``data_dict`` to the actual model's inputs. E.g. if a model accepts one input named 'x' and the data_dict contains one entry named 'data' this argument would have to be ``{'x': 'data'}`` losses : dict dictionary containing the training losses optimizer_cls : subclass of tf.train.Optimizer optimizer class implementing the optimization algorithm of choice optimizer_params : dict keyword arguments passed to optimizer during construction train_metrics : dict, optional metrics, which will be evaluated during train phase (should work on framework's tensor types) val_metrics : dict, optional metrics, which will be evaluated during test phase (should work on numpy arrays) lr_scheduler_cls : Any learning rate schedule class: must implement step() method lr_scheduler_params : dict keyword arguments passed to lr scheduler during construction gpu_ids : list list containing ids of GPUs to use; if empty: use cpu instead save_freq : int integer specifying how often to save the current model's state. State is saved every state_freq epochs optim_fn : function creates a dictionary containing all necessary optimizers logging_type : str or callable the type of logging. If string: it must be one of ["visdom", "tensorboardx"] If callable: it must be a logging handler class logging_kwargs : dict dictionary containing all logging keyword arguments fold : int current cross validation fold (0 per default) callbacks : list initial callbacks to register start_epoch : int epoch to start training at metric_keys : dict dict specifying which batch_dict entry to use for which metric as target; default: None, which will result in key "label" for all metrics convert_batch_to_npy_fn : type, optional function converting a batch-tensor to numpy, per default this is a function, which detaches the tensor, moves it to cpu and then calls ``.numpy()`` on it mixed_precision : bool whether to use mixed precision or not (False per default) mixed_precision_kwargs : dict additional keyword arguments for mixed precision val_freq : int validation frequency specifying how often to validate the trained model (a value of 1 denotes validating every epoch, a value of 2 denotes validating every second epoch etc.); defaults to 1 **kwargs : additional keyword arguments """ if (criterions is not None) ^ (losses is not None): if losses is not None: crits = losses elif criterions is not None: warnings.warn(DeprecationWarning( "The 'criterions' argument is deprecated and will \ be removed in next release to unify APIs across \ backends. Use 'losses' instead ")) crits = criterions else: crits = losses warnings.warn( RuntimeWarning("'criterions' and 'losses' have \ been specified.Using the values in \ 'losses' since 'criterions' is deprecated \ and will be removed")) super().__init__( network, save_path, crits, optimizer_cls, optimizer_params, train_metrics, val_metrics, lr_scheduler_cls, lr_scheduler_params, gpu_ids, save_freq, optim_fn, key_mapping, logging_type, logging_kwargs, fold, callbacks, start_epoch, metric_keys, convert_batch_to_npy_fn, val_freq) self._setup(network, optim_fn, optimizer_cls, optimizer_params, lr_scheduler_cls, lr_scheduler_params, gpu_ids, key_mapping, convert_batch_to_npy_fn, mixed_precision, mixed_precision_kwargs) for key, val in kwargs.items(): setattr(self, key, val)
[docs] def _setup(self, network, optim_fn, optimizer_cls, optimizer_params, lr_scheduler_cls, lr_scheduler_params, gpu_ids, key_mapping, convert_batch_to_npy_fn, mixed_precision, mixed_precision_kwargs): """ Defines the Trainers Setup Parameters ---------- network : :class:`AbstractPyTorchNetwork` the network to train optim_fn : function creates a dictionary containing all necessary optimizers optimizer_cls : subclass of torch.optim.Optimizer optimizer class implementing the optimization algorithm of choice optimizer_params : dict lr_scheduler_cls : Any learning rate schedule class: must implement step() method lr_scheduler_params : dict keyword arguments passed to lr scheduler during construction gpu_ids : list list containing ids of GPUs to use; if empty: use cpu instead convert_batch_to_npy_fn : type function converting a batch-tensor to numpy mixed_precision : bool whether to use mixed precision or not (False per default) mixed_precision_kwargs : dict additional keyword arguments for mixed precision """ self.optimizers = optim_fn(network, optimizer_cls, **optimizer_params) super()._setup(network, lr_scheduler_cls, lr_scheduler_params, gpu_ids, key_mapping, convert_batch_to_npy_fn, network.prepare_batch) try: from apex import amp self._amp_handle = amp.init(mixed_precision, *mixed_precision_kwargs) wrap_fn = self._amp_handle.wrap_optimizer except ImportError: if mixed_precision: logger.warning("Apex was not found found, trying to \ continue in full precision instead") from ..utils.context_managers import DefaultOptimWrapperTorch wrap_fn = DefaultOptimWrapperTorch # wrap optimizers by half_precision_optimizer via apex if # necessary self.optimizers = {k: wrap_fn( v, num_loss=len(self.losses)) for k, v in self.optimizers.items()} # Load latest epoch file if available if os.path.isdir(self.save_path): latest_state_path, latest_epoch = self._search_for_prev_state( self.save_path, [".pt", ".pth"]) if latest_state_path is not None: # if pth file does not exist, load pt file instead if not os.path.isfile(latest_state_path): latest_state_path = latest_state_path[:-1]"Attempting to load state from previous \ training from %s" % latest_state_path) try: self.update_state(latest_state_path) except KeyError: logger.warning("Previous State could not be loaded, \ although it exists.Training will be \ restarted") if gpu_ids and torch.cuda.is_available(): self.use_gpu = True if (len(gpu_ids) > 1) and (torch.cuda.device_count() > 1): # use GPU 0 as default input GPU self.input_device = torch.device("cuda:%d" % gpu_ids[0]) # Train on multiple GPUs and use GPU 0 as output device self.module = torch.nn.DataParallel( self.input_device), device_ids=gpu_ids, output_device=gpu_ids[1]) # use GPU 1 as default output GPU for balanced GPU usage self.output_device = torch.device("cuda:%d" % gpu_ids[1]) else: # use the only available GPU as input device self.input_device = torch.device("cuda:%d" % gpu_ids[0]) self.module = # use GPU 0 as output device as output device self.output_device = torch.device("cuda:%d" % gpu_ids[0]) else: self.use_gpu = False self.input_device = torch.device("cpu") self.output_device = torch.device("cpu") self.module = self._prepare_batch = partial( self._prepare_batch, input_device=self.input_device, output_device=self.output_device)
[docs] def _at_training_begin(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Defines behaviour at beginning of training Parameters ---------- *args : positional arguments **kwargs : keyword arguments """ self.save_state(os.path.join( self.save_path, "checkpoint_epoch_0"), 0)
[docs] def _at_training_end(self): """ Defines Behaviour at end of training: Loads best model if available Returns ------- :class:`AbstractPyTorchNetwork` best network """ if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.save_path, '')): # load best model and return it self.update_state(os.path.join(self.save_path, '')) return self.module
[docs] def _at_epoch_end(self, metrics_val, val_score_key, epoch, is_best, **kwargs): """ Defines behaviour at beginning of each epoch: Executes all callbacks's `at_epoch_end` method and saves current state if necessary Parameters ---------- metrics_val : dict validation metrics val_score_key : str validation score key epoch : int current epoch num_epochs : int total number of epochs is_best : bool whether current model is best one so far **kwargs : keyword arguments """ for cb in self._callbacks: self._update_state( cb.at_epoch_end( self, val_metrics=metrics_val, val_score_key=val_score_key, curr_epoch=epoch)) if epoch % self.save_freq == 0: self.save_state(os.path.join(self.save_path, "" % epoch), epoch) if is_best: self.save_state(os.path.join(self.save_path, ""), epoch)
[docs] def _train_single_epoch(self, batchgen: MultiThreadedAugmenter, epoch, verbose=False): """ Trains the network a single epoch Parameters ---------- batchgen : MultiThreadedAugmenter Generator yielding the training batches epoch : int current epoch """ self.module.train() return super()._train_single_epoch(batchgen, epoch, verbose=verbose)
[docs] def predict_data_mgr(self, datamgr, batchsize=None, metrics={}, metric_keys={}, verbose=False, **kwargs): """ Defines a routine to predict data obtained from a batchgenerator Parameters ---------- datamgr : :class:`BaseDataManager` Manager producing a generator holding the batches batchsize : int Artificial batchsize (sampling will be done with batchsize 1 and sampled data will be stacked to match the artificial batchsize)(default: None) metrics : dict the metrics to calculate metric_keys : dict the ``batch_dict`` items to use for metric calculation verbose : bool whether to show a progress-bar or not, default: False **kwargs : additional keyword arguments Returns ------- dict predictions dict calculated metrics """ self.module.eval() return super().predict_data_mgr(datamgr, batchsize, metrics, metric_keys, verbose, **kwargs)
[docs] def save_state(self, file_name, epoch, **kwargs): """ saves the current state via :func:`` Parameters ---------- file_name : str filename to save the state to epoch : int current epoch (will be saved for mapping back) *args : positional arguments **kwargs : keyword arguments """ if not (file_name.endswith(".pth") or file_name.endswith(".pt")): file_name = file_name + ".pt" save_checkpoint(file_name, self.module, self.optimizers, **kwargs)
[docs] @staticmethod def load_state(file_name, **kwargs): """ Loads the new state from file via :func:`` Parameters ---------- file_name : str the file to load the state from **kwargs : keyword arguments Returns ------- dict new state """ if not (file_name.endswith(".pth") or file_name.endswith(".pt")): file_name = file_name + ".pt" return load_checkpoint(file_name, **kwargs)
[docs] def update_state(self, file_name, *args, **kwargs): """ Update internal state from a loaded state Parameters ---------- file_name : str file containing the new state to load *args : positional arguments **kwargs : keyword arguments Returns ------- :class:`BaseNetworkTrainer` the trainer with a modified state """ self._update_state(self.load_state(file_name, *args, **kwargs))
[docs] def _update_state(self, new_state): """ Update the state from a given new state Parameters ---------- new_state : dict new state to update internal state from Returns ------- :class:`PyTorchNetworkTrainer` the trainer with a modified state """ if "model" in new_state: self.module.load_state_dict(new_state.pop("model")) if "optimizer" in new_state and new_state["optimizer"]: optim_state = new_state.pop("optimizer") for key in self.optimizers.keys(): self.optimizers[key].load_state_dict( optim_state[key]) if "epoch" in new_state: self.start_epoch = new_state.pop("epoch") return super()._update_state(new_state)